1. Grammar Check is operational, but limited to check for buffer vowels of 4 of the most common prepositions.
2. When reading Russian text documents on Internet, sometimes the Latin letter "a" (ASCII character 97) appears instead of the Russian "a" (ASCII character 224). In this new version, the program automatically exchanges character 97 by 224 to avoid confusions and corruption of the Dictionary.
3. The Dictionary was again re-checked. A few minor errors, which still remained,
are now deleted. Some new words also have been added. Everything, to the best
of my knowledge, seems in proper order.
Changes made since version 1.36:
1. Grammar Check was changed to cover six prepositions (‚,ËÁ,Í,Ó·,ÓÚ,Ò)
for buffer vowels.
2. A few more words were added to the Dictionary.
3. A bug was found in Grammar Check, which could, under certain circumstances, force the program into an endless loop. This bug was fixed.
4. The function CHECK DICTIONARY was added. See User Manual for details.
5. ASCII character 97 is replaced by 224 when loading text files.
Changes made since version 1.41:
1. A few more words were added to the Dictionary.
2. Six incorrectly spelled words were found in the Dictionary and removed.
3. A bug was found in CHECK DICTIONARY routine. It was fixed.
4. When loading text files, character 97 is automatically replaced by 224.
5. In GRAMMAR CHECK, the program now also checks masculine and neutral adjectives and substantive in their genitive form. The errors that the program detects, are to be taken as suggestions. The user will notice if he/she made an error or not.
Changes made since version 1.48:
1. New words were added to the Dictionary.
2. Grammar Check now finds even more errors in adjectives and substantive. See
Grammar Coverage text file for details.
3. Two incorrect entries were found and deleted from the Dictionary.
4. A speed boost to the SAVE DICTIONARY routine, cut the time by about 15 seconds.
5. Grammar Coverage text file was added to the Russian Spell Check package.
6. Requirements text file was added to the package.
7. Memory requirement was lowered from 4 MB to 3.5 MB.
Changes made since version 1.58:
1. New words were added to the Dictionary.
2. Memory requirement was lowered from 3.5 MB to 3.0 MB.
3. The dictionary was rechecked for invalid words, but none were found.
4. When saving Your text document, all line feeds and carriage returns are
maintained as when You opened it. In older versions, this information was lost.
5. While spell checking and grammar checking, carriage returns are shown
with the symbol ( ¶ ). This is to avoid confusion when You are comparing
a written document with the text in the Russian Spell Check edit window.
6. Loading time of the Dictionary was reduced by approximately 40%.
7. When saving spelling errors as "Errors.TXT", the words which are added to the
Dictionary, are deleted from this list. The logic in this change is, hopefully,
8. For the user with font questions, an ASCII font table text file (with picture) was
added to answer some frequently asked questions.
9. A filter for the KOI8 font standard is now built into Russian Spell Check.
Changes made since version 1.64:
1. The loading time of the Dictionary was reduced from 44 to just 11 seconds.
This was achieved by using a different loading and saving method.
2. The Dictionary now is called "RusSD.TXT" and its size is 2.2 MB. The reason for the
increase in size, is the speedup access time of the spelling Dictionary.
3. Upon delivery RusSD.TXT is compressed, but expanded at start-up.
4. Instead of having to wait 2 minutes and 15 seconds to add new words to the
Dictionary, a separate, temporary dictionary was created. It is called "MySD.TXT".
In this separate dictionary Your added words are temporarily stored. In this way
there is no waiting time for saving just a few new words.
5. When the dictionary "MySD.TXT" is full - it holds 400 words - an EMERGENCY SAVE
time-out interrupts Your work. This operation takes about 3 minutes. You will get
three warnings before the EMERGENCY SAVE is activated. If You ain't sure all the
new words are correctly spelled, simply click ABORT, QUIT Russian Spell Check,
and You can check the temporary dictionary (You can open it from SimpleText)
before it is too late.
6. The main dictionary, "RusSD.TXT", is open for viewing, but due to the new saving
technique, the words are not viewable in alphabetical order. NOTE: all attempts
to manually add or delete words in the dictionary will completely
destroy the dictionary. Therefore, make sure to have a recent backup stored.
7. "MySD.TXT" temporary dictionary is also open for viewing. The words are shown in
alphabetical order. This temporary dictionary is suitable for editing - using
SimpleText - but do not forget that each word must end with a space.
8. A new file, "RSC-090.Pref", was added. This is the preference file for Russian
Spell Check, and, like "MySD.TXT", must always be in the same folder as Russian
Spell Check.
9. A file, containing more GEOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES, was added to Russian Spell Check.
10. You may view the geographical entries - using SimpleText - and, if You wish, add
more entries. To get Your entries into the main Dictionary, You start by running
Russian Spell Check, open this file, and click ADD to DICTIONARY on each new
11. Two more prepositions are checked. They are "ÔÓ‰" and "̇‰".
Changes made since version 1.77:
1. Spell Checking speed was increased by 30% by optimizing the unique Quick-Halve
Search technique.
2. Improved checking of prepositions.
3. A Grammar Table was added, suitable for printout, as a reference guide.
4. It is now possible to edit, add and delete words in "MySD.TXT".
Changes made since version 1.81:
1. Grammar Check was improved. It now checks for correct endings of adjectives
and nouns following two, three and four ( ‰‚‡, ‰‚Â, ÚË, ˜ÂÚ˚ ).
2. Grammar Check is now open only to registered users. To register, please, follow
the instructions on the Registration Card.
Changes made since version 1.85:
1. When capital letters followed prepositions, the buffer vowel check did not
work properly. This bug was fixed.
2. Grammar check was speeded up.
3. Two new buttons were added for more convenient usage.
4. Font conversion is now available also for Cyrillic fonts (often used on PC
5. A sample text file, "Sample.CYR", was added for You to try out.
6. Two more prepositions (·ÂÁ, Ô‰) are now checked for buffer vowels. This
should make the buffer vowel check complete on prepositions.
Changes made since version 1.93:
1. A startup photo - of Yours truly - was added to the program. Those who did not
register, will have to watch it for 10 seconds, before using Russian Spell Check.
2. Grammar check now also checks for missing "̇" or "ÌË" which should always
follow the conjunction "ÌÂÒÏÓÚfl".
3. Grammar Check now also covers maculine nouns and adjectives in nominative
and in accusative case declension.
4. A program restructuration was successfully completed.
5. Grammar Check now also covers adjectives and nouns in dative plural case
6. An extensive and thorough search thru the Dictionary revealed four incorrectly
spelled words. They were deleted.
7. A new button - with a new helpful tool, "VERB AID" - was created.
Changes made since version 1.93:
1. VERB AID was substantially improved. It now completely covers 12 of the 15
verb groups. See Verb Aid Coverage for details.
2. More work was put into refining the VERB AID function.
3. The separate window for registration was deleted. Registration is now entered
via the edit field.
Changes made since version 2.21:
1. More words were added to the Dictionary. This was done by entering words from
two thick dictionaries. Presently, words starting with Ä and Å have been entered
in full. Root words, like verbs in their infinite form ( like ·ÂÎÂÚ¸), adjectives with
nominal declension (like ·ÂÁ‚Ó‰Ì˚È) and so on.
2. Several improvements were made in VERB AID. Although full perfection is yet to
become, VERB AID now covers more than ever before.
3. A part of the program, which checks registration, had a bug. It was fixed.
4. More work was done to improve VERB AID even further. It is primarily the verbs
which end with -‡Ú¸, -ÂÚ¸ and -ËÚ¸ that still are not yet fully covered.
Changes made since version 2.26:
1. VERB AID was again improved.
2. More work was put into VERB AID. From version 2.30 there are many common
verbs that finally will show up correctly.
3. More words were added to the Dictionary. It currently holds over 70,000 words.
4. More coverage was added to VERB AID - especially verbs ending with -ÂÚ¸.
5. VERB AID was re-tested and now we have almost complete coverage of all
verbs. There are only a few, ending with -‡Ú¸, that remain.
6. Some minor changes to improve the main program were succesfully completed.
Changes made since version 2.39:
1. The program now searches for the font "ã‡ÚËÌÒÍËÈ", and automatically locks
on to it. This removes the font problem, that could appear on other machines.
2. A bug was found in VERB AID. If the letter "Ù" was typed in, the verb was not
3. VERB AID does no longer accept capital letter typing. This program routine was
added, so that the user is alerted if CAPS LOCK is on.
4. The Dictionary "RusSD.TXT" now has complete root word coverage for letters
beginning with Ä, Å and Ç.
5. When the SUGGEST button is pressed, the most similar word is highlighted in red.
Changes made since version 2.43:
1. An incorrectly indexed variable caused missing reflexive declensions in two
groups of verbs. These problems were fixed.
2. The following buttons were moved to a new position: HELP, YES and NO.
3. A new button, PREFERENCES, was added. Here the user may select desired
program font and font size.
4. More words were added to the Dictionary. Root word coverage from letters
Ä thru É is now 100% complete.
5. VERB AID was further improved. The remaining problems to solve in the
ending -‡Ú¸ are now reduced to 10%.
Changes made since version 2.62:
1. More words were added to the Dictionary.
2. PREFERENCES was improved. It now serves the user with the following options:
(A) Select Font
(B) Select Font Size
(C) Spell Checking: IGNORED errors can be shown on EACH occasion or ONCE.
(D) Grammar Checking: DELAY time selectable at personal preference.
3. VERB AID was improved again. All endings were re-checked, and, a few minor
bugs were fixed. The coverage of -‡Ú¸ is complete to 93% (estimated).
Russian Spell Check 2.68 is a 1996 CAS production.